This is a Dynamic AABB Tree native extension with Branch and Bound Algorithm for Defold Engine. DAABBCC build by using Box2D’s Dynamic Tree.

Special thanks to Randy Gaul for Branch and Bound implementation.
HashTable and Array by Mathias Westerdahl
Box2D Copyright (c) 2009 Erin Catto http://www.box2d.org

What is DAABBCC?

A Dynamic AABB Tree is a binary search algorithm for fast overlap testing. Dynamic AABB trees are good for general purpose use, and can handle moving objects very well. The data structure provides an efficient way of detecting potential overlap between objects. DAABBCC does not contain narrow-phase collision detection.

You can use it whenever precise collision manifold(narrow-phase) is not required.


You can use the DAABBCC in your own project by adding this project as a Defold library dependency.
Open your game.project file and in the dependencies field under project add:


Release Notes


This is a complete rewritten version by using Box2D’s Dynamic Tree.

  • API revised and simplified
  • Nearly 6x performance increment according to v1.x (4800 sprites vs 500 sprites)
  • Low cpu usage
  • Experimental narrow phase collision detections removed


Final 1.x release.

  • Updated cute_c2 version to 1.05


Initial release.



New group for AABBs. Currently groups has limited to 20.

Returns group id.

local enemy_group = aabb.new_group()

aabb.insert(group_id, x, y, w, h)

Insert AABB into the group.

Returns aabb id.

local x = 0
local y = 0
local w = 50
local h = 50

local enemy_id = aabb.insert(enemy_group, x, y, w, h)

You can get position and size from sprite.

self.pos = go.get_position(".")
self.size = go.get("#sprite", "size")

self.enemy_id = aabb.insert(enemy_group, self.pos.x , self.pos.y, self.size.x, self.size.y)

aabb.update(group_id, aabb_id, x, y, w, h)

Updates the AABB position and size when you change it is position or size.

local new_x = 10
local new_y = 10
local new_w = 60
local new_h = 60

aabb.update(enemy_group, self.enemy_id, new_x, new_y, new_w, new_h)

aabb.query_id(group_id, aabb_id)

Query the possible overlaps using ID.

Returns result table with ids.

local result = aabb.query_id(enemy_group, self.enemy_id)

aabb.query(group_id, x, y, w, h)

Query the possible overlaps using AABB.

Returns result table with ids.

local result = aabb.query(enemy_group, x, y, w, h)

aabb.raycast(group_id, start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y)

Query the possible overlaps using RAYCAST.

Returns result table with ids.

local ray_start = vmath.vector3(0, 0, 0)
local ray_end = vmath.vector3(365, 370, 0)

local result = aabb.raycast(enemy_group, ray_start.x, ray_start.y, ray_end.x, ray_end.y)


Removes the group and cleans all AABBs



  • Currently groups has limited to 20. I have a solution for this but I don’t want to expose it to API now. If you need more groups, please open an issue. I can expose it to api
  • Performance is really depend on CPU load. I manage to get 60fps with 4800 sprite on my desktop. But this doesn’t mean that you can use 4800 sprites on mobile platforms. You have to do your own test.